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A Personal Investment



A customized experience, tailored to perfection with personal attention.




Who we are: 


At Wo’s Custom Tailoring, we are in the business of making you look good while feeling good.


Our motto is: in anything we do, we do it well, and we do it with love. We passionately believe that tailoring is an art and we are excited to share our passion with you.




What we know:


Today’s mass-produced clothing makes truly well-fitting garments difficult and time consuming to find. Here, we do things differently. Not only do we value good design, but we also take into account your personal body type.


We understand that bodies come in all different shapes and sizes, and that there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. We can work with all materials from fur to silk, create any design you desire, and work with you step-by-step to create a wardrobe you are proud of. If you want your clothes to melt onto you like a second skin, drop by our store for a visit!

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